Version 1.04 is now out!

Today we are releasing version 1.04. We have some new important features that we are introducing.

As always, this new release is a free upgrade for all of our existing Grow CRM customers. Updating to this new version is a very easy process, simply login into your CRM and go to Settings > Updates. From there, you will find all the information you need, to update your CRM.

Right, let’s jump right into it……

Project Templates

This new feature is an absolute time-saver. Grow CRM is all about improving your productivity and this tool will help you to do just that. You can now create project templates that you can use to instantly create a new project (in the exact image of the template). Your templates can include tasks, milestones and files. Talk about a time-saver!!

We use Grow CRM ourselves and we are very excited about this new feature.

Managing your project templates is as intuitive as managing your regular projects. The look and feel are just the same.



Clone A Project

In addition to creating project templates, you can now also clone an entire project. This is yet another great time-saving tool. If you have many recurring/identical projects, you can use this tool to create exact replicas of your projects. You can even clone the tasks, milestones, invoices, estimates, files for that particular project.

With this new feature, your productivity just got a boost.


Time Tracking

It is very important for you to properly keep track of the time you spend working on your projects. This is why we are continually making improvements to the time tracking features of Grow CRM. In this new release, we have introduced an always visible timer, which is always visible, no matter what page or section of the CRM you are on.

This helps you to keep an eye on how much time you are spending on a task. It also helps you to remember to turn off your timer when you have finished working on your tasks.


Full Change Log

Below is a full list of all the features and improvements that are in this new release

  • New Feature – Project templates
  • New Feature – Clone projects
  • Improvement – Time tracking
  • Improvement – Invoice price adjustment
  • Improvement – Estimate price adjustment
  • Improvement – Show additional company information on invoices & estimates
  • Improvement – Advanced text editor features for projects
  • Fixed – Project payments summary
  • Fixed – PDF showing ??? for non-Latin languages
  • Fixed – Task checklist styling
  • Fixed – Upload avatar error

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