We have just been featured on Codecanyon

I Woke up this morning to an awesome email from the Envato Team. Below is a snippet.

Congratulations! We love your Grow – Project Management CRM, and have decided to make it CodeCanyon’s featured file of the week…….you already have the shiny new badge. Enjoy!

This is such an honour and just the most amazing validation. We have joined the ranks of other great applications that have made this very difficult selection.

This may not be common knowledge among buyers of themes and applications on Codecanyon and Themeforest, but just merely having your product accepted for listing on this market place is not very easy. In order to maintain the highest levels of quality, the review team at Envato have very tough selection standards. This means that to get listed on its own, is an amazing achievement, but to get selected as a featured product WOW!

Our team is just over the moon. We have spent the last 2 years working on Grow CRM. Every aspect of it, from the user experience, to the core workings, have been a painstaking, labour of love. We are continuing to work very hard to ensure that we build upon this great foundation.

When you next head over to Codecanyon to view our product listing, you will now see a shiny new badge, just like this one


Thanks, Envato team for the awesome recognition!

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