Change Log

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Grow CRM Updates Installation Service
22 July 2024– Added – Upgraded the application’s core to the latest version of Laravel (v11)
– Added – Upgraded the application’s core to support PHP 8.2 & PHP 8.3
– Added – Full featured calendar (see projects, tasks and custom events)
– Added – Proposal scheduling (schedule the publishing date)
– Added – Proposal automation (project, task, invoice creation)
– Added – Tag leads submitted via web forms (for easier identification)
– Added – Proposal automation for project creation and invoicing
– Added – Show project titles on invoices
– Added – Contract scheduling (schedule the publishing date)
– Fixed – Client custom field not showing when creating a new resource
– Fixed – Show client custom fields when creating an invoice
– Fixed – Show client custom fields when creating an estimate
– Fixed – Leads from web forms not being auto assigned
– Fixed – Task status changes not showing on events timeline
– Fixed – Trailing white space in task and lead title
– Fixed – Tasks tabs navigation
– Fixed – Imports leads custom fields

3 April 2024 – Added – Support tickets – Canned messages
– Added – Clone Contracts
– Added – Clone Proposals
– Added – Schedule invoice publishing
– Added – Schedule estimate publishing
– Added – CRM wide dynamic search
– Added – Tasks cover images
– Added – Leads cover images
– Added – Tags on files & attachments
– Added – Attach files to notes
– Fixed – Saving bank settings not working
– Fixed – Test email not working
– Fixed – Project template milestones not being created
– Fixed – Preview image modal reloading page on close
1 February 2024– Added – Dark theme (Midnight) now included
– Added – Prestige theme now included
– Added – Export invoices
– Added – Export expenses
– Added – Export payments
– Added – Export estimates
– Added – Export timesheets
– Added – Customize projects table view
– Added – Customize clients table view
– Added – Create custom task priorities
– Added – Set colors for milestones
– Added – Display milestone on task Kanban view
– Added – Show contracts on customer page
– Added – bulk add items for invoices and estimates (entire product categories)
– Added – Add products to estimate when creating a proposal
– Fixed – Estimate PDF download
– Fixed – Lead for not sending email to admin
– Fixed – Error updating user preferences when on settings pages
– Fixed – Contracts & proposals filter by category
– Fixed – Error importing client custom fields
8 November 2023– Added – Detailed reports
– Added – Paystack payment gateway
– Added – Direct URL to view estimates without logging into the CRM
– Added – Export projects
– Added – Bulk change project statuses
– Added – Bulk assign projects
– Added – Bulk change leads status
– Added – Custom table column view (Leads)
– Added – Bulk change leads status
– Added – Bulk assign leads
– Added – Archive support tickets
– Added – Additional date formats
– Added -Ability to reset all users current theme setting
– Added – Filter expenses by team members
– Fixed – Missing exit setting button on mobile
– Fixed – Exporting clients giving limited results
– Fixed – Webmail email templates (clients and leads)
– Fixed – PDF Invoice totals alignment
– Fixed – Custom fields date formatting
– Fixed – Various bugs
15 June 2023– Added – Remember filters (Tickets)
– Added – Google reCAPTCHA
– Added – Edit timesheets
– Added – In-line ticket replies
– Added – Edit and delete ticket replies
– Added – Show tags and reminders of kanban cards
– Added – Added search box to custom fields dropdowns
– Added- Add custom CSS for invoice and estimate pdf files
– Fixed various bugs
6 February 2023 – Maintenance Update
20 January 2023– Added – PHP 8 support
– Added – Instant messaging (chat)
– Added – Contracts
– Added – Contract Templates
– Added – Proposal Templates
– Added – Tap payment gateway
– Added – Custom ticket statuses
– Added – Arrange invoice and estimate line items
– Fixed various bugs

[See Full Details]
4 October 2022– Added – Invoice line tax
– Added – Estimates line tax
– Added – Estimate product notes
– Added – Product-based tasks for estimate automation
– Added – Task dependencies for estimate automation
– Added – Attach files to invoices
– Added – Set project cover images
– Added – Use custom fields in filtering
– Fixed various bugs

[See Full Details]
4 September 2022– Added – Estimates workflow automation
– Added – Projects workflow automation
– Added – Task dependencies
– Added – Export clients
– Added – Export tickets
– Added – Email leads
– Added – Set user home page
– Added – Assign tasks to clients
– Added – File folders
– Added – Email notifications for reminders
– Added – Email Leads

[See Full Details]
15 July 2022– Maintenance Update1.10
2 June 2022 – Added – Updated to Laravel 8
– Added – Project Proposals
– Added – Assign tasks to clients
– Added – Ability to change the next Invoice ID
– Added – Ability to change the next Estimate ID
– Added – Ability to change the next Invoice ID
– Fixed – The client cannot create a task
– Fixed – Timesheets manual time recording
– Fixed – Exit text too long in settings
– Fixed – Settings tax rates menu
– Fixed – Estimate and invoice custom fields display
– Fixed – Client’s webmail templates
– Fixed – Lead forms submissions counter
– Fixed – Leads converted to a client – welcome email

[See Full Details]
1 February 2022– Added – Projects card grid view
– Added – Projects card grid view cover images
– Added – Category-based project/user permissions
– Added – Recurring Tasks
– Added – Allows users to set their own theme
– Added – View email queue and email delivery logs
– Added – Download and manage system error logsAdded – Edit Payments
– Added – Rename project files
– Added – Importing leads – made custom fields easier to import
– Added – Leads and tasks search now has a wider scope
– Added – Show client name on task cards
– Added – SMTP debugging tool
– Added – Easier assigning of project team members
– Added – Easier changing of project progress
– Fixed – Task date not updating correctly in task modal
– Fixed – Task not loading in projects page
– Fixed – Tickets timeline viewing permissions
– Fixed – PDF invoices Euro symbol not showing correctly
– Fixed – Project templates user roles setting
24 October 2021– Fixed – Project progress not updating
– Fixed – Email delivery problems after v.106 update
– Fixed – Client webmail
– Fixed – Client cannot create a task
– Fixed – Email PDF is not sent in default system language
– Fixed – New users language is not being set to the system language
29 September 2021– Added – Lead web forms – Create multiple forms to capture leads from your website.
– Added – Clone Tasks – Quickly make a duplicate copy of a task
– Added – Clone Tasks – Quickly make a duplicate copy of a lead
– Added – Knowledge base video gallery
– Added – Send emails directly to a client user from the CRM
– Added – Custom task statuses – You can now create custom task statuses
– Added – See all previous notifications using the new improved notifications panel
– Added – Show the project title on a task (Kanban)
– Fixed various bugs

9 August 2021– Added – Reminders Alarms – Set individual reminders for projects, tasks, leads, etc
– Added – Embed youtube video in knowledgebase, projects, tasks and leads
– Added – App Modules Selection. Select which CRM modules you want to use.
– Added – Limit CRM modules/features on a client by client basis
– Added – Overdue task reminder
– Added – Overdue invoice reminder
– Added – Leads & tasks – added notes and a new tabbed interface
– Added – Added a ‘client details’ section for each client
– Added – Custom fields -added new form field types and improved interface
– Added – New role settings, allowing managing of team members
– Fixed – Filter estimates status
– Fixed – Assign task users scrollbar
– Fixed – Preselect assigned users in tasks and leads modals
– Fixed – Various other bugs
12 May 2021– Added – Project templates
– Added – Clone projects
– Added – Time tracking
– Added – Invoice price adjustment
– Added – Estimate price adjustment
– Added – Show additional company information on invoices & estimates
– Added – Advanced text editor features for projects
– Fixed – Project payments summary
– Fixed – PDF showing ??? for non-Latin languages
– Fixed – Task checklist styling
– Fixed – Upload avatar error
4 April 2021– Added – Importing Leads – (CSV & EXCEL)
– Added – Importing Clients – (CSV & EXCEL)
– Added – Convert an estimate to an invoice
– Added – Clone estimates
– Added – Mollie payment gateway
– Added – Direct time tracking
– Added – Invoice and estimate opening tracking
– Added – Dynamic client creation
– Added – Allow/prevent clients from accessing the dashboard
– Added – Enable/disable all outbound client email
– Fixed – Updating lead status not refreshing table row
– Fixed – Login popup
– Fixed – converting leads error
– Fixed – Client category not working
– Fixed – Estimates menu not showing on project page
10 February 2021– Added – Customer subscription billing
– Added – Create custom fields for clients, projects and task
– Added – Razorpay payment gateway
– Added – 29 language translations
– Added – Archive projects, tasks, leads
– Added – Email delivery testing with a “send test email” feature
– Added – Add custom javascript and CSS in <head> and <footer>
– Added – Allow multiple lines for invoice line item descriptions
– Added – Ability for the admin to update user passwords
– Fixed – Invoice & estimate email PDF attachments formatting
– Fixed – Support tickets title error
– Fixed – Currency symbol on payments section of invoices
– Fixed – Task and lead comments not fully displaying
– Fixed- Recurring invoices
– Fixed – Knowledgebase mobile view
– Fixed – Clients unable to create new tasks
– Fixed – Broken product items search
– Fixed – Broken file download links for Mac users
– Fixed – various other bugs
26 Nov 2020– Added – Dashboard payments and invoices stats clickable
– Added – Admin can add scripts in head and body (e.g. google analytics)
– Fixed – Modal windows not correctly displaying Cyrillic symbols
– Fixed – Unable to edit default milestones
– Fixed – Deleted staff member increasing the count for users in a given role
– Fixed – Installer get stuck on some operating systems
– Fixed – Task and lead checklists not working correctly
– Fixed – Unable to delete some categories
– Fixed – Create lead sources – popup opens blank